
Welcome to Whisk ‘n Whimsy!

P1000379_site_squareHello, I’m Jen, and I love to bake and cook. My mother says frosting runs in my veins.  My great grandmother decorated cakes and baked for people.  My aunt cans the best salsa in the world, according to my husband.  I bake to show affection, gratitude, and appreciation to those I love and care about.  My husband even had to start running to combat my love for and practice of sharing good food.  Let’s just say cooking is a family tradition.

Because food is so important to our lives, we connect so many memories and associate so many wonderful moments to our gastronomic experiences.  Like the comforting aroma of grandma’s cookies or the recurring scents of holiday favorites wafting through the house – food creates for us intense experiences that please the senses and excite the emotions.

In fact, food is something people have shared for centuries.  History and the rules of etiquette are entwined with it.  The concepts of hospitality, ritual, and even religion, to an extent, are closely tied to it.  Food clearly is an integral part of culture, society, and ceremony.  Works of art depict food, literature and historical records comment and describe it, music hails it, and livelihoods are made by it.

Novelist Mark Twain even wrote vividly about the role of food in our lives: “I know the look of an apple that is roasting and sizzling on the hearth on a winter’s evening, and I know the comfort that comes of eating it hot, along with some sugar and a drench of cream…I know how the nuts taken in conjunction with winter apples, cider, and doughnuts, make old people’s tales and old jokes sound fresh and crisp and enchanting.” I know this, too.

Author of Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra wisely commented that “All sorrows are less with bread.”  The Greek philosopher Hippocrates ascribed healing power to food, saying “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”  Yes, food is an essential and meaningful part of our lives.

Whisk ‘n Whimsy honors the long and succulent tradition of cooking by using quality ingredients in its expansive list of sweet and savory delights.  I invite you to tap into that tradition, reconnect with your memories, and enjoy a taste of what Whimsy has to offer.

Welcome to my website!

Jen Neuteboom